I want a deal” Buyer objection – HANDLED!
Buyers, Finance
|foreign I want to get a good deal on my next house or I'm not buying one at all have you heard that one recently you think we're going to hear it some more over the next few months sure we are we're going to take three minutes I'm going to explain to you how to reset your buyer's expectations who want a great deal in today's market my name is Peter shabri with realtor level up and let's go ahead and unpack unrealistic buyer expectations around getting a deal in today's market what we need ...
How can we help our buyers win in today’s market?
Buyers, Finance, Mortgages, Realtor Level Up
|okay we've all gotten used to the idea of a 3.5 30-year fixed and those days are gone at least for the at least for the foreseeable future but 6.75 kind of feels like a lot and yet we also such as interest rates are going up they're probably going to go back down once the federal government gets inflation or control so what do you do well if you believe it's going to happen sooner than later we might dust off this whole program called the 2-1 mortgage which kind of fell out of favor ...
Why Realtors aren’t confident in their finances
Finance, Markets, Realtor Level Up
|Okay if you're watching this video you're probably a residential real estate agent and if you're like me there have been times in your career where you've felt or maybe feeling right now a little bit of anxiety around your personal finances I hated that feeling but it's real because we're on 100 commission and there is no salary there is no consistency in our income it's a horrible feeling uh and I have spent years and years and years trying to solve for this feeling and get to consistent sales where I can seize the ...